SDK Type mismatch (String Data, Boolean& AdditionalCostInvoice)

SDK Type mismatch (String Data, Boolean& AdditionalCostInvoice)


Orders failed to be raised in Pastel Partner due to decimal values being sent as commas and not periods.

Applies to:



When raising an order at source, Stock2Shop is trying to send values with a comma in it instead of a period (" . “). This causes a long-running task which inevitably fails. A change will need to be made on the server on which Sage 50cloud Pastel Partner is installed.

Follow the steps below to resolve the queue error:

  • Go to Windows search and click “Run…”.
  • In the search box or Run window, type “regedit” and press enter.
  • Go to HKEY_USERS > DEFAULT > Control Panel > International.
  • Look for “sMonDecimalSep”.
  • Double click on “sMonDecimalSep” and edit it from a " , " to a " . “.

Depending on your version of Windows and how it’s configured, you may see a User Account Control dialogue box where you’ll need to confirm that you want to open Registry Editor.

  • Go to Windows search and type in “services”.
  • Click on the service’s icon.
  • Find the two services named “Apifact Tunnel” and “Apifact Connector”.
  • Restart both services.
  • Confirm that the services are both running.

Once the Apifact services have been restarted, you will need to retry any queue errors that have accumulated.