You are able to configure certain aspects of your Stock2Shop integration on your Stock2Shop console.
Under Settings, you have the ability to manage system notifications, users, product templates, promotions and the manual fetching of product data from your source(s).
In the below documentation we will be covering:
Note, incorrectly changing settings may impact your integration negatively. We recommend that you contact Support ( to assist you with and settings adjustments you require.
View settings
To view the settings available to you, go to Settings on your Stock2Shop console.
Manage sources
Viewing and editing settings and configuration for your sources can be managed directly on your Stock2Shop console.
To view and edit the General settings of a source:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Sources.
- Select the relevant source from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Click on the General tab.
- You have the ability to update the source:
- Description
- Type
- whether or not ordering is allowed
- Click Save.
To view the Sync and Schedule for a source:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Sources.
- Select the relevant source from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Click on the Sync and Schedule tab.
Note, only Cloud ERP / accounting system sources use a sync schedule. This tab does not apply to all other on-premise sources.
To view the linked source that are updating a specific primary source:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Sources.
- Select the relevant source from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Click on the Linked Sources tab.
To view and edit the Flags settings of a source:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Sources.
- Select the relevant source from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Click on the Flags tab.
- Set which product fields are managed by your source or by Stock2Shop.
- Click Save.
To view and edit the Advanced configuration settings of a source:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Sources.
- Select the relevant source from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Edit any existing meta settings or add new meta settings.
- Click Add on the meta setting that has been changed or added.
Note, we highly recommend that you contact Support ( for assistance with changes to Advanced configuration settings.
Manage channels
View and edit settings and configuration relating to your channels. If you are not familiar with your configuration, please do not alter any of the settings.
To view and edit the channel details settings of a channel:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Channels.
- Select the relevant channel from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- You have the ability to update the channel:
To view the price list linked to a channel and/or edit the price list syncing to the channel:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Channels.
- Select the relevant channel from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Under Price Tier you can select which price list should sync to this channel.
- Click Save above.
Note, if you leave the price tier field empty it will use the default. Price tiers are defined for each product variant.
To view and/or configure the warehouse(s) that are syncing stock levels to a channel:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Channels.
- Select the relevant channel from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Under Warehouse you can select which warehouse (or warehouses) should sync to this channel.
- To add multiple warehouses to this channel, select the dropdown and click Add. This will combine the values of multiple warehouses.
- Click Add and then click OK when the pop-up appears.
Note, if you leave the warehouse field empty it will use the default. Warehouses are defined for each product variant.
To clear the warehouse(s) linked to a channel:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Channels.
- Select the relevant channel from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Under Warehouse, click Clear.
- Click Save.
Note, all warehouses will be cleared from your warehouse calculation.
To view the primary source linked to a channel:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Channels.
- Select the relevant channel from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- The source with an active status of YES is the primary source linked to the channel.
To stop sending product data to a channel by deactivating the primary source:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Channels.
- Select the relevant channel from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Under channel sources, locate the active primary source.
- Click De-activate and then click OK when the pop-up appears.
To perform an update on all products linked to the channel:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Channels.
- Select the relevant channel from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Under channel sources, locate the active primary source.
- Click Sync Channel and then click OK when the pop-up appears.
Note, you can navigate to your queue thereafter to monitor the updates to the channel.
To break all exiting links between Stock2Shop and the products in the channel and then issue a full channel re-sync to re-link the products:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Channels.
- Select the relevant channel from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Under channel sources, locate the active primary source.
- Click Copy All Products and then click OK when the pop-up appears.
Note, based on the channel configuration settings in Stock2Shop, performing a copy all may cause duplication of products on your channel. Please confirm with Stock2Shop before issuing a copy all.
To delete all linked products on the channel:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Channels.
- Select the relevant channel from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Under channel sources, locate the active primary source.
- Click Remove All Products and then click OK when the pop-up appears.
Note, this will only remove products that are linked to the channel selected.
Display a list of channel meta configured for the channel.
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Channels.
- Select the relevant channel from the list.
- Under Channel Meta Data you can view all the configuration settings that have been added, along with their corresponding values.
Note, it is important to not change any of these configuration settings without consulting Stock2Shop first.
To view any rules set up for the channel:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Channels.
- Select the relevant channel from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Under Rules you can view all conditions that have been setup.
To add new rules to your channel:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Channels.
- Select the relevant channel from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Under Rules you add rules based on any standard product field and/or product attribute field.
- Select the operator:
- Equal
- Not equal
- Greater than
- Less than
- Contains
- Not contains
- Starts with
- Ends with
- Lookup
- Is not empty
- Add the value for the rule.
- click Save.
To delete channel rules that are no longer required:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Channels.
- Select the relevant channel from the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Under Rules, locate the relevant rule.
- Click Remove.
Manage fulfillment services
To view and edit the fulfillment details settings of a fulfillment service:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Service.
- Locate the relevant fulfillment service on the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- You have the ability to update the fulfillment service:
Display a list of fulfillment meta configured for the fulfillment service:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Service.
- Locate the relevant fulfillment service on the list.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Under Fulfillment Service Meta Data you can view all the settings that have been added, along with their corresponding values.
Note, it is important to not change any of these configuration settings without consulting Stock2Shop first.
Adding, viewing and editing B2B Trade Store promotions can be managed directly in your Stock2Shop console.
To view a list of promotions:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Promotions.
Note, if no promotions have been created, this list will be empty.
To add a promotion that applies to all purchases made on your B2B Trade Store:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Add Promotion.
- Select the relevant B2B Trade Store channel.
- Give the promotion a name (this is internal, so customers will never see it).
- Select a Discount Type:
- Fixed rate (value must be in cents)
- Percentage discount of the order
- Set the discount amount or percent.
- Leave Use Coupons unchecked.
- Click Submit.
To add a promotion using redeemable coupons:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Add Promotion.
- Select the relevant B2B Trade Store channel.
- Give the promotion a name (this is internal, so customers will never see it).
- Select a Discount Type:
- Fixed rate (value must be in cents)
- Percentage discount of the order
- Set the discount amount or percent.
- Select Use Coupons.
- You now have the option to:
- Create one coupon that can be used multiple times
- Create multiple coupons that can be used multiple times
- Click Add if you want to create one coupon, or click Generate if you are creating multiple coupons.
Note, a coupon will need to be added by the console user in order to activate the promotion.
To track how many times your coupons have been used:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Promotions.
- Search for the relevant promotion.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- On the right hand side a list of coupons will appear with:
- The unique coupon code
- The usage limit
- the number of times the coupon has been used
Delete a coupon in a promotion
To delete a specific coupon in a promotion:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Promotions.
- Search for the relevant promotion.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Search for the relevant unique coupon.
- Click Delete.
To deactivate a promotion entirely:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Promotions.
- Search for the relevant promotion.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Check the “Stop processing promotions” box.
- Click Submit.
Note, this will also render all coupons in this promotions invalid from this point on.
Manage notifications
Viewing, adding and editing recipients that receive console notifications can be managed directly on your Stock2Shop console. The notifications system can send certain members of your admin team emails relating to specified activity on your console, most notably sync errors.
To view a list of recipients that will receive email notifications (and overrides):
- On your Stock2Shop console, go to Settings > Manage Notifications.
To add a recipient to receive email notifications:
- On your Stock2Shop console, go to Settings > Manage Notifications.
- Add the following information for each recipient:
- If there are multiple recipients, ensure they are separated with a semi-colon and there is no spacing between the semi-colon.
- Click Save.
To remove a recipient from receiving email notifications:
- On your Stock2Shop console, go to Settings > Manage Notifications.
- Remove the following information for each recipient:
- Ensure the remaining recipients are separated with a semi-colon and there is no spacing between the semi-colon.
- Click Save.
To add a notifications override:
- On your Stock2Shop console, go to Settings > Manage Notifications.
- Click Add Override.
- Select the sync activity that should trigger a notification to the recipient:
- addChannelImageError (an error occurred while trying to add an image to your sales channel)
- addChannelProductError (an error occurred while trying to add a product to your sales channel)
- addChannelVariantError (an error occurred while trying to add a product variant to your sales channel)
- addSourceOrder (an order was successfully added to your source)
- addSourceOrderError (an error occurred while trying to add an order to source)
- emailPricelist (an export of products with price lists when syncing to the sales channel)
- getSourceProducts (an update of products was received from your source)
- getSourceProductsError (an error occurred while trying to receive products from your source)
- queueError (an unspecified queue error occurred on Stock2Shop)
- queueOrder (a new order is queued to sync from the sales channel)
- syncOrderError (a new order from the sales channel could not be processed)
- Add the following information for each recipient:
- If there are multiple recipients, ensure they are separated with a semi-colon and there is no spacing between the semi-colon.
- Click Save.
Note, only the recipients added to the override will receive this notification. Recipients added to the main notifications will no longer receive this notification.
To add a recipient to receive email notifications for an existing override:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Notifications.
- Add the following information for each recipient to the specific override:
- If there are multiple recipients, ensure they are separated with a semi-colon and there is no spacing between the semi-colon.
- Click Save.
To remove an override and add a recipient to the override:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Notifications.
- Locate the relevant override.
- Click Remove Override.
- Click Save.
Fetch products
For sources that work with a pull sync, you can manually fetch product changes with the click of a button:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Fetch Products.
- Select the relevant source from the dropdown.
- Click Fetch Products.
Manage product attribute templates
Viewing and editing product templates that can applied to your products to enrich them can be managed on your Stock2Shop console. Attribute templates are useful in ensuring that each product in your console has the correct information before being distributed to various sales channels.
To view and edit an attribute template:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Product Templates.
- Select the relevant template.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- You are able to:
- Add additional attributes
- Rename existing attributes
- Update the default values
- Edit the description
- Determine whether the attribute is required (mandatory)
- Click Save.
To delete a product template that is no longer required:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Product Templates.
- Select the relevant template.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Delete.
Note, deleting a product template does not remove any attribute values that were created with that template.
Manage console users
Adding, viewing, assigning user roles and editing console users can be managed directly in your Stock2Shop console.
To view a list of console users, along with their respective user names and roles:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Users.
- You can apply filters for:
- Whether the user is active or not
- The specific role of the user
To search for a specific user:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Users.
- Type in the user’s username, name and email.
- Click Search.
To add a new console user:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Users.
- Add the following details:
- Username
- Role
- First name
- Last name
- Whether the user must be active or not
- Email
- Password
- Click Save.
To edit an existing console user’s general information:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Users.
- Filter or search for the relevant user.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Click on the General tab.
- You have the ability to update the user’s:
- Username
- Role
- First name
- Last name
- Active status
- Email
- Password
- Click Save.
To add or edit an existing console user’s attribute information:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Users.
- Filter or search for the relevant user.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click Edit.
- Click on the General tab.
- You have the ability to update the user’s:
- Username
- Role
- First name
- Last name
- Active status
- Email
- Password
- Click Save.
To apply segments to a console user:
- On your Stock2Shop console, navigate to Settings > Manage Users.
- Filter or search for the relevant user.
- Click on the three vertical dots and click edit.
- Click on the Segments tab.
- Add a segment type of either Products or Customers.
- Select the field to which the segment should apply.
- Set the operator to either:
- Equal
- Greater Than
- Less Than
- Lookup
- Add the segment value.
- Click Save.
Note, segments can be used to limit which products and customers a console user is able to see. Click here to read more about the concept of segments. This can be used in conjunction with user roles to further limit user access.