The queue shows all data syncing activity in real time, and flags any sync errors that may occur.
Your queue will give you a snap shot of any data movement that might be occurring at a given time. You can also view, filter, skip or retry queue items that did not process successfully.
In the below documentation we will be covering:
Once data between your connectors has started to sync, you can view, filter, retry and clear queue items:
To view your queue:
To filter for a specific queue item:
By default, the search results display all queue items with a failed status.
You can re-process blocking and non-blocking items from your console.
To re-process a blocking and or non-blocking queue item:
Note, you may be required to address data problems on your source, channel or console the queue item will process successfully.
Clearing the queue will remove any queue items that are yet to be processed:
By setting the Instruction and Channel, you are only clearing a segment of your queue items and not the entire queue.
If you would like to skip a queue item entirely:
Any information contained in this queue item will be skipped and not reach the intended source and/or sales channel.