Here’s all you need to know about the Stock2Shop Queue.
In the below documentation we will be covering:
The queue is the backbone of Stock2Shop. Its key function is to provide a snap shot of any data syncing activity that might be occurring at a given time, as well as notify you of any sync errors that require attention. The queue is a list of instructions for the Stock2Shop system to perform, each of which is called a “queue item”. These items can perform a variety of tasks, such as:
Your queue screen is divided into two parts, with the right-hand side (called “Un-processed queue items”) serving as a representation of the data flowing between your ERP / accounting system (source) and your ecommerce platform (sales channel) in real time.
The left-hand side (under “Search Results”) lists queue items that have failed to process. Stock2Shop will send you notifications when these anomalies occur, and it is extremely important that you attend to them timeously. If this list is empty, that’s a good thing!
Sync errors show up as either blocking queue items of non-blocking queue items.
Stock2Shop has two different queue types:
The blocking queue follows the principle of “first in first out”. If there is a failure on one of the queue items, the queue will be blocked (stopped). The queue will remain stopped until the issue has been resolved, after which and the queue can be started again.
Resolving a blocked queue is managed by you, the client, on the Stock2Shop web console. When a blocking queue item fails, you will receive an email notification prompting you to rectify the issue before trying to process the it again. If you are confident that the item is no longer relevant and will not re-appear, you can skip it. A list of blocking queue items are:
The non-blocking queue consists of queue items that will not stop subsequent queue items from running if they fail.
Resolving a non-blocked queue is managed by you, the client, on the Stock2Shop web console. When a non-blocking queue item fails, you will receive an email notification prompting you to rectify the issue before trying to process the it again. If you are confident that the item is no longer relevant and will not re-appear, you can skip it. A list of non-blocking queue items are: