Sage 50cloud Pastel Xpress

Integrate Sage 50cloud Pastel Xpress with supported online sales channels.

Product / Customer Syncing



Data retrieval method

Stock2Shop will either push or pull product and customer data from your ERP / accounting system at regular intervals. This will depend on the nature of your database.




Create orders in your ERP / accounting system

Decide whether or not you want Stock2Shop to create orders in your ERP / accounting system.

Set shipping line item

Let Stock2Shop link the shipping line item on your sales channel orders to the shipping line item on your ERP / accounting system.

Set tax exempt type

Define the default tax code used for line items that are exempt from tax.

Set tax type

Set the tax type (code) that should be used on orders marked as taxable.

Set the exchange rate

When syncing orders to Pastel, we can set the exchange rate.

Set the order document type

When syncing orders we can create invoices, quotations and sales orders.

Specify the order code in ERP / accounting system

Create the document in the ERP / accounting system, giving it the same code as the channel order number.

Sync orders to a default account

Create orders under a default customer (account) in your ERP / accounting system. This is considered best practice for retail businesses.

Use customer address in ERP / accounting system

Let your ERP / accounting system set the address details on the order instead of the sales channel.

Use the customer's currency from Pastel

When syncing orders to Pastel, we can use the currency set on the customer.